1. Internship Application Form 3. Intership Evaluation Form
2. Intership Acceptance Form 4. Intership Report Tempate
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Internship Guide
Finding a Company for Internship
In the first step of the internship process, you should determine the company that you will be doing internship. If you have trouble finding a company, you can apply to the CO-OP unit. You can also use your right to apply from websites such as Kariyer.net, yenibiris.com where you can follow the job application or via Linkedin.
Preparation of Necessary Documents for the Company
Many companies request an “Internship Requirement Form”. You must fill in the fields relevant to you before you print out the obligation document. In order to be successful in the internship course, 30 working days of internship must be done. Official holidays and public holidays will not be counted as internship working days. The company's registry information (…… Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş., Ltd. Şti. etc.) is required for the clear name of the internship place. After the relevant document is filled and signed, it must be delivered to the company and remain with the company.
If you are doing your internship during the semester, there should be no classes in your curriculum at least 3 days a week. You should pay attention to the issue of at least 30 working days, as insurance will be entered between the internship dates you have determined. If you are thinking of doing an internship during the semester, you can make the necessary section changes in your curriculum during the add-delete period starting from the beginning of the semester. Graduate students should report their status to the internship coordinator or the internship responsible.
IMPORTANT: You can do your internship at the earliest after the completion of the 3rd Year 2nd Term.
NOTE: In the internship report, each section, especially the “practical training” section, should be prepared according to the criteria requested from you.
NOTE: What to do after the internship place and dates are determined:
1- Fill in the internship obligation form (1 page) and have it approved by the Internship Coordinator, and then send the form to the company.
2- Submit the approved acceptance form (1 page) from the company to the Internship Coordinator.
After completing the internship, do the following:
3- Prepare the internship report and get approval from the coordinator.
4- Send the REGISTRATION (evaluation) form (1 page) filled and approved by the company to the coordinator.
Preparation of Required Documents for Insurance
The Personnel Department carries out the necessary procedures for the internship insurance. Internship insurance must be completed at the earliest 1 month before the start of the internship, and at the latest 3 working days before. The documents required for insurance are available on the website of the personnel department (https://bau.edu.tr/icerik/3208-personel-daire-baskanligi-staj-yonergesi).
All these documents should be prepared and submitted to the Personnel Department. However, if you have found an internship with the help of CO-OP, the CO-OP unit will manage the process.
Preparation of Internship Report
The internship course must be selected in the academic term after the internship. If you try to prepare a report before choosing the course, you may encounter problems because you will not be aware of the announcements. In your internship report, the process you are involved in (it can be analysis, software or testing) should be described using a technical language. You can briefly describe the project you are working on and the platforms you use. If you are involved in analysis or testing processes, you can introduce the methods and tools you use. You should express in a technical language how the flow of the code you write or the process you manage is. The language of the report must be English.
There should be no code or screenshots in daily activities. However, if you want to include code or screenshots in your report, you can write the extra information you want to add by opening a section titled “Appendix” at the end of daily activities.
The first draft of the report you have prepared must be uploaded to itslearning as a single Word document, by changing the name of the file as specified in the course announcements.
NOTE: You should first get your internship report approved by the coordinator. The company signs after the coordinator.
Report Evaluation
After uploading your report to the system, an evaluation list will be announced. In this list, you will get one of the notes listed below. If you get an "S" grade, it means that you do not need to correct your report. However, if you get the "PR" or "U" rating, you need to make a correction. In this case, you are expected to make the necessary corrections within the specified time. The corrections are stated in the document as a comment.
S: Satisfactory PR: Progress U: Unsatisfactory
Submission of the Final Report
If your report must be updated, you should upload the updated version of the report, and if your report has not to be updated, upload the first edition to the system. Grading will be done on the report you sent at this stage.
Submitting a Hard Copy of the Report
After the evaluation list has been re-explained (if you have received an "S" grade), you must bring the hard copy of your report. The hard copy of the report you will prepare should have the signature and stamp of one of your managers in the weekly activities section, and the signature or initials in the daily activities section. In addition to your internship report, the internship evaluation form must also be filled in by your manager who takes care of you during the internship. After this form is filled in by your manager, it should be given to you in a sealed envelope (with a seal and stamp on the mouth of the envelope). You must submit this document along with the report.
Department Internship Coordinator: Assist Prof. Suzan ÜRETEN suzan.ureten@bau.edu.tr
Department Internship Responsible: Mehmet Ziya ERENOĞLU mehmetziya.erenoglu@eng.bau.edu.tr
BAU Human Resources Internship Specialist Zeynep Maden zeynep.maden@hur.bau.edu.tr