Internship Application Document
To start the internship:
To start the insurance:
Please note that if the approved application form (filled and signed by the company) and the insured employment statement document are not delivered to the department internship coordinator (Assist. Prof. Hüseyin Günhan Özcan: huseyingunhan.ozcan@eng.bau.edu.tr), the internship can not be started.
To finalise the internship:
Please note that if the internship report and internship certificate are not delivered to the department internship assistant (Selen Yoldaş: selen.yoldas@eng.bau.edu.tr) until the end of the 4th week of the academic semester in which the internship course is taken, the internship can not be considered as valid.
For further details, please visit https://kms.kaysis.gov.tr/Home/Kurum/81858953 and select Yönergeler and then BAHÇEŞEHİR ÜNİVERSİTESİ MÜHENDİSLİK VE DOĞA BİLİMLERİ FAKÜLTESİ MİMARLIK VE TASARIM FAKÜLTESİ STAJ YÖNERGESİ.